France, Paris, "This is Bahrain" religious freedom delegation visits the Synagogue. (L ) Shaikh Dr. Abdulla AlMaqabi, Muslim cleric Sheikh Salah bin Yousuf Aljowder, Betsy B.Mathieson, Secretary General of Bahrain Federation of Expatraite Associations, President of the Consistory of Paris, Joël Mergui, Yousif M. Buzaboon, Ambassador for Peace, Hassen Chalghoumi, Imam of the Drancy. "This is Bahrain", delegation, a multi-faith group of Bahrainis and expatriates, set up to highlight religious tolerance in Bahrain and promote understanding between cultures and faiths, is the brainchild of the Bahrain Federation of Expatriate Associations (BFEA).
Paris, FRANCE - 16/06/2015.